design & development

WHAT'S IN A custom website?

Your website is you. Plain and simple.

Or at least, it should be. But you wouldn’t know it from the millions of copy-paste template sites popping up every day.

A custom-built website is like a modified car versus a stock car.

Whether it’s on the inside or right in front of the world, you do it because it’s different.

It reflects you, rather than some idea of what someone like you is “supposed” to fit into.

Your website is the same!


Fill out the Web Project Application

The first step is to submit a Web Project Application.

You’ll answer some questions about what you’re looking for, and I’ll review your responses before getting back to you within 24-48 hours. If we’re a good fit, we’ll move forward!

Schedule a consultation

Next, you’ll schedule a Zoom consultation to discuss your goals, and see how I can help you.

Based on the information you provide me, I’ll have enough to build a proposal for you within 48-72 hours.

Approve the proposal & pay

Your proposal will be available to you via the client portal, where you can review it, sign your contract, and pay your invoice.

Please note that all payments are due in full, prior to the start of services.

Initial project meeting

Our first project task is to review your timeline, then we’ll begin exploring your vision.

By the end of this meeting, I’ll have enough information to draw up a wireframe (a sketch layout of your site) of your site that will be available in your client portal to review by the date in your project timeline.

Approve wireframe

Your wireframe will be ready for review based on your project timeline. You can make comments and suggestions.

Once the wireframe looks good to you, you can sign off on it right in your client portal, and I’ll proceed with putting together your website mockup—your wireframe + actual visual elements that represent how your website will look and feel.

Approve mockups

Once your mocked-up website is available to review on the client portal, you can comment and leave feedback, then approve it.

Now, we start the real work! 🙂

Project implementation

Your project moves into the implementation phase, where you’ll be kept in the loop as I transform your design into an actual website (it won’t be live until final approval). The length of this phase is determined by your project timeline.

Approve draft website

Hooray! You have a website—one satep closer to owning your new web home!

It’s probably not exactly to your specifications, so we can take some time to tweak and change things as needed.


At our final handoff meeting, I’ll give you a quick walkthrough of your new site’s back-end, and hand you your admin creds… and she’s all yours!


Once you’ve had a chance to get settled in, let’s talk about your workflow and how it’s feeling for you.

At this point, you’ll also fill out a follow-up testimonial to describe your experience with your new site!

Ready to go?
Let's do it!

Submit a new

Web Project Application today

LaunchPad Scavenger Hunt


Rockets are scattered across the website, waiting for you to find them! Each rocket grants 20 coins. 

When you find one, click it to receive your reward! Rockets reset every day.



[gamipress_leaderboard_user_position id=”69390″ current_user=”yes” text=”You are in position {position}!” not_ranked_text=”You’re not yet ranked—go find some rockets!“]

[gamipress_leaderboard title="" id="69390" hide_admins="yes"]

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