040: A Guide to Learning to Code and Getting a Job

What you'll learn

  • Should you go it on your own, or get dedicated support?
  • The important factors you’ll need to consider before actually beginning to learn the skills
  • How to evaluate your local developer job market
  • The importance of job titles in your learning journey
  • How and where to learn the developer skills


In this episode, Nicole walks through your first steps into the developer world, and how you can align your goals with actions to get your first paying work!

If you’re learning to code with the hopes of getting a job and launching a developer career, you know that there’s like 500 things going on at once. There are a lot of folks out there telling you what to do and how to do it. But like, how do you choose which path to go? Where do you learn the skills? How do you apply for jobs?

Although the answers are complex, we can begin to pull the curtain back and welcome you to your first steps. Once you get the ball rolling and connect with your community, you’ll have a much clearer idea of how everything fits together, and how you can turn your skills into paying work.

As always, I hope this episode will help you in your education and career. ????

Peace, love, and code,

Nicole Archambault's signature: "Peace, love, and code"

Episode notes

Read the blog version of this episode!

Download my guide, 10 Things You NEED to Know Before Learning to Code, for additional details on the steps you should follow prior to learning language skills/syntax!

Learn more about the course here!

What you'll learn

  • Should you go it on your own, or get dedicated support?
  • The important factors you’ll need to consider before actually beginning to learn the skills
  • How to evaluate your local developer job market
  • The importance of job titles in your learning journey
  • How and where to learn the developer skills


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Just one more step to download 10 Things You Need to Learn BEFORE Learning to Code!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)

Just one more step to download 5 Steps to Solving Code Challenges!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)