032: Dissecting the Web Developer Roadmap—The Back-End

What you'll learn

  • Deeper context for each of the steps on the Web Developer Roadmap
  • The basic principles of back-end web development
  • Why JavaScript stands out as a back-end language
  • How package managers will make your web dev life easier
  • Why you want to learn about testing early on
  • Relational, non-relational (NoSQL), and graph databases—and how you’ll use them
  • What Docker is, and how containers help us maintain our code environment
  • How caching can improve your apps (once you get them working!)
  • The role of back-end frameworks
  • Why you want to integrate a RESTful API into the practice apps you build
  • How message brokers asynchronously relay messages from app to client
  • When to use a search engine in your app
  • How GraphQL can help you improve your APIs

What do you need to know in order to work in the web development industry?

Where should you start, in terms of really understanding the concepts now, and down the road?

What do all these weird-sounding terms mean??

In this podcast series, we’ll be pulling apart Kamran Ahmed’s Web Developer Roadmap to help you visualize and contextualize your self-education journey.

By the end of this series, listeners will understand the different subsets of web development, and what kinds of tools and resources you’ll need to learn in order to get a job. If you’re a new self-taught web developer, you’ll definitely want to tune in!

Greetings, folks!

The Web Developer Roadmap by Kamran Ahmed (@kamranahmedse) provides a visual guide for navigating the complex world of web development. This week, we’re diving into the Back-End portion of the Roadmap.

And we’re going to pull apart the Roadmap, so I can help you (and actually, myself!) to better understand the problems that each of these topics solve.

In this episode, we’ll cover topics like:

  • Understanding how the Back-End and Front-End interconnect
  • Picking your first back-end language
  • Building your first command line app
  • Package Managers
  • Standards & Best Practices (S&BP)
  • Learning a Back-End framework
  • Testing
  • Relational, non-relational (NoSQL), and graph databases
  • Caching
  • RESTful APIs
  • Authentication vs. Authorization (and their methodologies)
  • Message brokers
  • Search engines
  • Docker
  • Web servers
  • Websockets
  • Graph databases

This is a REALLY packed episode! It’s even longer than the Front-End episode, and worth every moment of your time. You’ll probably listen to it multiple times, and I hope that you enjoy it more each time! ????

Episode Links

Picking a Back-End Language


Package Managers


Containers (and Docker)

Preethi Kasireddy is a prominent explainer of all things complex, at levels I aspire to—so I definitely recommend anything by her! In this article, she goes into Containers, and gives some great context and explanation for why you need them.

Read the article here

Relational Databases


NoSQL (Non-Relational) Databases











Message Brokers


Search Engines


Web Servers



This video does an excellent job of explaining not only what they are, but why you’d want to use websockets.

JavaScript OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)

OWASP is a governing body focused expressly on web security. This isn’t entirely necessary for your education, however, it will provide insight into how security is being discussed by those working to make it better. I chose JavaScript, because I’m a JS developer, but you should be able to find your language’s standards with a simple search.

Check out the OWASP JavaScript standards



Graph Databases



What you'll learn

  • Deeper context for each of the steps on the Web Developer Roadmap
  • The basic principles of back-end web development
  • Why JavaScript stands out as a back-end language
  • How package managers will make your web dev life easier
  • Why you want to learn about testing early on
  • Relational, non-relational (NoSQL), and graph databases—and how you’ll use them
  • What Docker is, and how containers help us maintain our code environment
  • How caching can improve your apps (once you get them working!)
  • The role of back-end frameworks
  • Why you want to integrate a RESTful API into the practice apps you build
  • How message brokers asynchronously relay messages from app to client
  • When to use a search engine in your app
  • How GraphQL can help you improve your APIs

LaunchPad Scavenger Hunt


Rockets are scattered across the website, waiting for you to find them! Each rocket grants 20 coins. 

When you find one, click it to receive your reward! Rockets reset every day.



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