031: Dissecting the Web Developer Roadmap—The Front-End

What you'll learn

  • Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics
  • Building your first structured web page
  • Using CSS to style that page
  • Using JavaScript to add interactivity
  • Working with JavaScript libraries
  • What CSS and JavaScript frameworks can do for your workflow
  • Whether or not to use jQuery in your projects
  • Why you need to test your programs
  • How Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) extend traditional web app functionality and improve user experience
  • What server-side rendering can do for your web app
  • Type checking—what it is, and how it affects your code

What do you need to know in order to work in the web development industry?

Where should you start, in terms of really understanding the concepts now, and down the road?

What do all these weird-sounding terms mean??

Over the next 4 episodes, we’ll be pulling apart Kamran Ahmed’s Web Developer Roadmap to help you visualize and contextualize your self-education journey.

By the end of this series, listeners will understand the different subsets of web development, and what kinds of tools and resources you’ll need to learn in order to get a job. If you’re a new self-taught web developer, you’ll definitely want to tune in!

Greetings, folks!

The Web Developer Roadmap provides a visual guide for navigating the complex world of web development. This week, we’re diving into the Front-End portion of the Web Developer Roadmap.

For the next 2 weeks, we’ll be pulling apart the Roadmap, so I can help you (and actually, myself!) to better understand the problems that each of these topics solve.

We’ll cover topics like:

  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • JavaScript (JS)
  • Web applications
  • Server-side rendering
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • GitHub projects and open source
  • CSS preprocessors, frameworks, and architecture
  • Build tools (task runners, package managers, module loaders)
  • Creating your very first JavaScript library
  • Testing your code
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • And so much more

This is a packed episode, no lie. You’ll probably listen to it multiple times, and I hope that you enjoy it more each time! ????

If you’re seeing this message, I’m currently adding some valuable hand-picked, 101-level resources here. 🙂 Hang tight and they’ll be up shortly.

What you'll learn

  • Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics
  • Building your first structured web page
  • Using CSS to style that page
  • Using JavaScript to add interactivity
  • Working with JavaScript libraries
  • What CSS and JavaScript frameworks can do for your workflow
  • Whether or not to use jQuery in your projects
  • Why you need to test your programs
  • How Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) extend traditional web app functionality and improve user experience
  • What server-side rendering can do for your web app
  • Type checking—what it is, and how it affects your code

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Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

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