028: Learning to Code With Treehouse

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LVEC Podcast host Nicole learned to code in 2015 with Treehouse, one of the most popular video-based web development e-Learning platforms.

Hear more about why she chose Treehouse over other platforms, how she got the most out of Treehouse’s videos, and her own personal advice for leveraging Treehouse to get your first web development job.

I get a lot of students that find me through my Treehouse success story. They commonly were inspired by it, which is badass and I am super humbled. ????

Of course, they want to know all about how I did it, and the details they didn’t read in the story itself. And they generally have some kind of struggle or challenge of their own.

I know a lot of resources at this point in my career, and I’m always learning new ones. I also take the resources that I put in front of all of you VERY seriously, and vet them carefully before I attach my name to them or send you off to check them out.

I wanted to have an opportunity to talk about Treehouse a little more, and specifically about WHY and HOW Treehouse was able to help me break a years-long cycle of learning frustrations and obstacles. This includes the fluffy soft stuff like their community, as well as the technical details like how their platform in particular works and what their strengths are.

I’ll also address the parts everyone else is focusing on, like what they teach you, but you can mostly get that from their website.

And then I wrap everything up with some really great advice for how to get the most out of Treehouse—stuff that took me months to identify and change my approach to.

Go forth and learn! 🙂

Show Notes

Check out Treehouse with a 7-day FREE trial!

Treehouse Student Success Story: Nicole Archambault

Some podcast episodes I mentioned

LVEC002: How I Learned How I Learn
I recorded this episode around the time I was first picking apart my learning transformation. Why did it happen? Why was I so successful? I share what I learned with students, so they can map their own learning transformation.

LVEC007: Lessons from Code Academy with George Mandis
The little local community college “bootcamp” I went to after beginning to work solo with Treehouse. They also used Treehouse! George was my instructor and is now a fab devfren who has given me incredibly valuable advice and guidance throughout my career. We chatted about the experience and what he really thought of me.

LVEC011: At the Intersection of Technology & Education with Ryan Carson
A conversation I had with Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson, where he shared some of his motivations and goals with Treehouse. It’s really obvious how much they want to help their students!




What you'll learn


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