022: Choosing Motivation While Learning to Code

What you'll learn


What do you do when you just can’t bring yourself to start or finish a course or project? Learning web development is a heavily cognitive endeavor, and motivation issues are largely standard. Learn how Nicole has identified and works to overcome her motivation issues, and pick up some tools of your own in the process.

Motivation is such a big issue among new web developers. We’re perplexed over how we can be so passionate about something, and yet have our brains fight us tooth and nail over sitting down and learning or getting work done.

In this episode, I share some of my experiences and insights on motivation, as well as some of my personal strategies for wranglin’ the motivation beast when it comes time to do your work.

How do get motivated to do your web development studies? I’d love to hear from you:

On Twitter as @lavie_encode

On the La Vie en Code Facebook page

Or, via my Contact page

What you'll learn


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