016: The 3 Fundamental Theories of Educational Technology (EdTech)

What you'll learn

  • Theory 1: What is Behaviorism?
  • How does the theory of behaviorism effect EdTech?
  • Reinforcing positive behaviors to promote learning.
  • Theory 2: What is Constructivism?
  • The role of active doing in learning.
  • Cognitive and social constructivism.
  • The importance of the learning context.
  • The role of society to facilitate learning.
  • Code Newbie as a form of Ed Tech.
  • Differences between constructivism with behaviorism.
  • Theory 3: What is Constructionism?
  • Learning by making.
  • Logo: the first educational programming language.
  • The difference between doing and making.

For our second episode in EdTech September, Nicole will be introducing the three fundamental theories of EdTech: Behaviorism, Constructivism and Constructionism!

She discusses how understanding these foundational principles can help you design and build incredible software to promote education and change the world. She has identified her passion at the point of convergence between technology, education, and psychology – right where these theories and EdTech lie.

There are many theories involved in educational technology but these tend to be the root theories that are the most prevalent in EdTech. Keeping these fundamental theories at the foundation of your development and design, will help you remember the learner and solve the individualized pain points by understanding how they learn.

Why EdTech September?

EdTech September brings together for LVEC listeners key topics in the field of Educational Technology (EdTech). As a new web developer, you need to know how you learn most successfully, so you can apply that approach to everything you need to learn in the future.

You also need to know how and where to best apply your tech skills in the Web Development industry. EdTech September involves both of these topics, by helping students understand their career opportunities in EdTech, and forming a deeper connection between learner and learning style.

What are your thoughts on these EdTech theories? Let me know:

On Twitter as @lavie_encode

On the La Vie en Code Facebook page

Or, via my Contact page

What you'll learn

  • Theory 1: What is Behaviorism?
  • How does the theory of behaviorism effect EdTech?
  • Reinforcing positive behaviors to promote learning.
  • Theory 2: What is Constructivism?
  • The role of active doing in learning.
  • Cognitive and social constructivism.
  • The importance of the learning context.
  • The role of society to facilitate learning.
  • Code Newbie as a form of Ed Tech.
  • Differences between constructivism with behaviorism.
  • Theory 3: What is Constructionism?
  • Learning by making.
  • Logo: the first educational programming language.
  • The difference between doing and making.

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