015: What is Educational Technology (EdTech)?

What you'll learn

  • Using technology to learn about technology.
  • Examples of EdTech at work.
  • Geeks can’t teach and teachers can’t geek!
  • My journey with EdTech and the Tree House experience.
  • Sense, Memory and Cognition: What does EdTech look like?
  • Accreditation and validating courses in EdTech.
  • Access to EdTech for children in the classroom.
  • Using EdTech for special education and learning needs.
  • EdTech privatization versus Open Source Education.
  • Careers in EdTech, the industry and its goals.
  • Looking for a job in EdTech? Here’s where to start.

Nicole talks about why she focused on an entrepreneurial career in Educational Technology, or EdTech, in 2017. But what IS EdTech?

If you’ve learned to code using online services, tutorials, or courses—you’ve used EdTech to further your education. Educational Technology, in short, is the convergence of educators and technologists to promote education using the technology we’re learning to build. Learn more about what it is, what it looks like, and why it matters.

Today we are going to be talking about one very important field within the tech industry. Whether or not you know it, if you’ve been teaching yourself to code, you’ve probably had exposure to this field in some way or other. That field is Educational Technology, or EdTech for short.

Educational Technology has spread into virtually every industry in existence. However, it can still be a little bit difficult to understand what Educational Technology is and what it isn’t. This is because it is a fairly new merge between education and technology.

So today, we’ll be discussing what Educational Technology is and how it can, or probably has already, benefited you in your web development education. We’ll also talk about some of the great careers and education opportunities EdTech has to offer.

We’ll be saving more of the in-depth topics surrounding Educational Technology for later on in the month because the entire month of September is going to be dedicated to EdTech.

By the end of this episode, you should have a good idea as to what Educational Technology looks like and the opportunities it holds. Take a listen!

Show Links

What is Educational Technology?

What is EdTech? Caleb Clark. Marlboro College Graduate School, Vermont – YouTube

Office of Educational Technology

The 5 Keys to Educational Technology – THE Journal

11 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 – Campus Technology

How to get started in Educational Technology

EdTech Dream Jobs: Doing Good While Getting Paid

Ed Tech Developer’s Guide – Office of Educational Technology

Open Education

Why #GoOpen? Why now? – Office of Ed Tech – Medium

What you'll learn

  • Using technology to learn about technology.
  • Examples of EdTech at work.
  • Geeks can’t teach and teachers can’t geek!
  • My journey with EdTech and the Tree House experience.
  • Sense, Memory and Cognition: What does EdTech look like?
  • Accreditation and validating courses in EdTech.
  • Access to EdTech for children in the classroom.
  • Using EdTech for special education and learning needs.
  • EdTech privatization versus Open Source Education.
  • Careers in EdTech, the industry and its goals.
  • Looking for a job in EdTech? Here’s where to start.

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