008: 10 Things You NEED to Know BEFORE Learning to Code

What you'll learn

  • That you, as well as anyone else, can learn to code!
  • The importance of a Career Transition Plan when changing careers
  • What you’ll learn about yourself when you learn to code and change careers
  • How valuable and transferable the skills you’re learning are
  • How to leverage your existing contacts to help launch your new web development career


  • 2:07  Learn why learning-based fear and anxiety can keep us from learning anything, let alone very complex topics
  • 4:52  Some tips on how to make the time to build your skills, in between bursts of life
  • 7:32  Why having your friends and family on board with your goals is going to set or break your course
  • 10:00  The surprising truth about the people you already know, and how they’re going to help you
  • 13:16  How the skills you’re learning are going to allow you more flexibility and leverage in your career
  • 17:10  Nicole shares a special offer for LVEC listeners: 50% off your first month of Treehouse’s web development e-learning platform!18:33The single word you’re going to learn to love, because it’s going to free up your time and energy
  • 21:19  You’re going to learn a lot about yourself while learning to code—hear some of what I learned on my journey!
  • 24:23  If you start coding without this, you may be doomed for failure
  • 28:33  With tons of free and paid resources out there, how do you decide which educational tools to use? These tips will help you!
  • 32:42  Don’t know any technical people, or other web developers? I share my secret for kick starting your career transition networking, and why it works.
  • 34:30  Learn more about Nicole’s upcoming pre-coding course, 30 Days to Web Development!

In this episode, Nicole details 10 things she’s identified that new coders absolutely need to know before they begin learning to code.

Why is this important? Every day, students start learning to code by teaching themselves, without any type of plan or goal. Eager to leave behind their old careers, and learn new technical skills that welcome new job opportunities, we run blind into the world of coding.

The end result is generally frustration, and eventual drop-off. Furthermore, as many of these students are career changers, they are often already unhappy with their existing jobs, and unable to afford an emotional or economic loss.

Without really considering our approach to the entire journey of learning to code, before actually setting foot on the path, you need to know what you’re up against. Knowledge is power!

By planning our approach carefully—and factoring in the inevitable down times, as well as how to get past them—you’ll be in a far better position to keep your momentum and enthusiasm about learning to code, and the web development industry in general.

I also include some encouraging words on the skills you already have, and people you already know… which should be a great relief to introverts and folks without extensive contact lists.

Finally, we talk about the skills you’re going to learn, and I know that this will remind you why you chose web development as a career path in the first place. The options are endless, and you’re only limited by your own ability to absorb information.

Everyone can learn to code, but it’s not going to be easy, and I’m here to help set you up for success!

Coding Apps Mentioned

Mimo: Learn to Code On The Go

Enki: The 5 Minute Daily Workout for Your Dev Skills

LVEC Special Student Offer

Get 50% off your first month of Treehouse!

Learning to code?
The tips in this episode are also available in eBook format100% FREE!

10 Things You NEED to Know BEFORE Learning to Code cover image

What you'll learn

  • That you, as well as anyone else, can learn to code!
  • The importance of a Career Transition Plan when changing careers
  • What you’ll learn about yourself when you learn to code and change careers
  • How valuable and transferable the skills you’re learning are
  • How to leverage your existing contacts to help launch your new web development career


  • 2:07  Learn why learning-based fear and anxiety can keep us from learning anything, let alone very complex topics
  • 4:52  Some tips on how to make the time to build your skills, in between bursts of life
  • 7:32  Why having your friends and family on board with your goals is going to set or break your course
  • 10:00  The surprising truth about the people you already know, and how they’re going to help you
  • 13:16  How the skills you’re learning are going to allow you more flexibility and leverage in your career
  • 17:10  Nicole shares a special offer for LVEC listeners: 50% off your first month of Treehouse’s web development e-learning platform!18:33The single word you’re going to learn to love, because it’s going to free up your time and energy
  • 21:19  You’re going to learn a lot about yourself while learning to code—hear some of what I learned on my journey!
  • 24:23  If you start coding without this, you may be doomed for failure
  • 28:33  With tons of free and paid resources out there, how do you decide which educational tools to use? These tips will help you!
  • 32:42  Don’t know any technical people, or other web developers? I share my secret for kick starting your career transition networking, and why it works.
  • 34:30  Learn more about Nicole’s upcoming pre-coding course, 30 Days to Web Development!

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Just one more step to download 10 Things You Need to Learn BEFORE Learning to Code!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)

Just one more step to download 5 Steps to Solving Code Challenges!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)