035: How to Share Before You Feel Confident

Image of two female-presenting Black individuals sitting next to each other, with one pointing to the other's laptop screen. The other person is smiling.

In this episode, Nicole talks about some of the reasons we feel too shy to share our code or write a blog post on what we know, and how she’s overcoming the urge to stay in a bubble.

024: The Business of Diversity & Inclusion in Tech with Kim Crayton (Part 2)

LVEC Episode 23 Header

New web development students focus on their skills as they transition into their new industry, but there is more to the industry than just the skills. Learn more about the topics that help build exceptional additions to the industry with special guest Kim Crayton. This 2-part conversation will help listeners understand why Diversity & Inclusion […]

023: The Business of Diversity & Inclusion in Tech with Kim Crayton (Part 1)

LVEC Episode 23 Header

New web development students focus on their skills as they transition into their new industry, but there is more to the industry than just the skills. Learn more about the topics that help build exceptional additions to the industry with special guest Kim Crayton. This 2-part conversation will help listeners understand why Diversity & Inclusion […]

013: When Mental Illness Affects Your Coding Goals

Web development is a highly volatile industry at times. But if you’re also doing it as one of the millions of Americans living with mental illness—specifically, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder or mood disorders—it may seem damn near impossible! In this episode, Nicole discusses some never before shared details of her very own mental […]

LaunchPad Scavenger Hunt


Rockets are scattered across the website, waiting for you to find them! Each rocket grants 20 coins. 

When you find one, click it to receive your reward! Rockets reset every day.



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Just one more step to download I Want to Learn to Code—Now What!

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Just one more step to download 10 Things You Need to Learn BEFORE Learning to Code!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)

Just one more step to download 5 Steps to Solving Code Challenges!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)