025: Celebrating People of Color in Tech with Michael Berhane

Nicole chats with People of Color in Tech co-founder Michael Berhane about his own journey to full-stack JavaScript development, experiences with growing his skill sets, and the support network and celebration surrounding people of color in the tech industry.

019: Why I Became a Tech Entrepreneur

Have you ever thought of what your career could be like without the constraints of others affecting your output? To have total control over your income potential? In this episode, Nicole talks about why she finally decided that she’d had enough of the company job/freelancing, and instead sought out the entrepreneurship rat race. She takes […]

012: How to Start (and Keep Up!) a Blog While Learning to Code

How to Start (and Keep Up!) a Blog While Learning to Code

Writing about your experience learning to code can be a valuable, though challenging, endeavor. In this information-packed hour-long episode, Nicole talks about why it’s a worthwhile exercise, and some critical things you’ll want to consider before starting your own coding blog. Starting a coding blog is one of the best things I’ve ever done. The idea came to […]

011: At the Intersection of Technology & Education with Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson

What happens when you teach people how to learn, then teach them how to code, while putting THEIR needs at the center of your entire platform? Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson joins me on the show for an enlightening discussion around the intersection of technology and education. We talk about how they tackle the enormous challenge […]

LaunchPad Scavenger Hunt


Rockets are scattered across the website, waiting for you to find them! Each rocket grants 20 coins. 

When you find one, click it to receive your reward! Rockets reset every day.



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Just one more step to download 10 Things You Need to Learn BEFORE Learning to Code!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

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Just one more step to download 5 Steps to Solving Code Challenges!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)